Orbs, Dogman and High Strangeness

High Strangeness

Other paranormal events can happen before, during or after a Sasquatch encounter. If you have had an encounter one or more of these phenomena may have happen. It is more rare, but it happens often enough that it should be mentioned. The following is a list that I have encountered or have been reported to me by others who have had encounters:

Orbs – Balls of light that appear to be intelligently control. These vary in color from white, orange, red to mention some of the more common colors. The following was captured at my residence.

UFO Sightings – Many times before a Sasquatch encounter the witness will see lights in the sky or woods as if a craft is landing. Some witnesses reported watching a disk shaped craft land and a Sasquatch disembark and run off into the woods. UFO captured near my residence.

Little Grey Beings – Beings that fit the description of “ETs” are encountered at the same time as an Sasquatch encounter. The beings general are 3 to 4 feet tall, grey in color with large black eyes. Grey being peeking around a tree during a Sasquatch encounter.

Dogman - This cryptid is a bi-pedal canine like creature. They seem to appear in the same areas that Sasquatch habitat. The following creature came up only a few feet behind me as I was researching in a Sasquatch area. I captured the footage on a "back trail" camrea. This is a camera that is attached to my shoulder filming behind me. I had no idea this creature was behind me until I reviewed the video at a later time.

Video Footage Looped


1) Still captures from a video I captured of a Sasquatch in "Stealth Mode"

2) https://youtu.be/CA8NcE9bzK4


  1. I believe that the Dogman is far more dangerous than your typical Sasquatch. I don't believe they inhabit the same exact areas and may in fact be mortal enemies.

    If you would like to get the living crap get scared out of you check out Dogman Encounters on YouTube.

  2. I relocated to Texas in 2018, this is where I had my dogman encounters. I live in a small town 15 mile's from Fort Worth. I was driving home late one night with my 9 year old son. We were on a country road, just few blocks from the city park. My son yelled, "mom, look at that dog with a huge head and its standing", I look over ti the passengers side of the road and there was a approximately a 7ft tall dogman. It had hands not paws. It looked like the german shepherd type dogman. I went to pull over on the side of the road where it was standing. I realized that might not be a good idea, we were in a convertible, top up, thankfully. It seemed focused on something to its left.
    Many months later, it found where we lived and was outside my bedroom window twice that I know of. It seemed more curious than trying to frighten me. I am not trying to say they are not dangerous, they are. You can tell they are a predator. I believe they are more than flesh and blood.
    In Central Oregon, I lived in my RV before moving to Texas. I had it parked in a wooded area. I had a Sasquatch slap my RV and break the outside light, that was close to 8 feet from the ground. I would hear the Samurai chatter, screams etc. I would hear what sou ded like a 800 pound owl etc. Late at night I would hear something big and bipedal running towards the RV, then veer off. This was no person, the ground or RV would viberate.
    One night, I was sitting on my bed reading, the bedroom door open. I felt like someone was watching me. I look up and there is a blue orb, the size of a basketball in my RV. I watched as it moved from the kitchen into the living room, it slowed down by my sleeping son on the couch. I wanted to move, but could not move. It was not from fear, that I could not move. It was strange, I had the feeling this was not a good thing. It moved until it was right in front of me. It began to increase in size. I was just saying Jesus in my mind, maybe out loud. I finally could move and swung a book through the orb, it dissipated immediately. Dont know if the ibs were related to the Sasquatch in the area or not.
    I have read on the Skinwalker ranch they seen fling crafts and Cryptids coming and going through orbs.
    About two months ago I was driving home on the toll road outside of Fort Worth. It was still light out. I look up, there is metallic flying craft in the sky right above me.
    I was trying to pull over so I could film it with my phone camera. Before I could pull over, a white orb appear behind the craft. The orb began to enclose all around the craft, their shrunk, poof, disappeared with the craft. I seen a craft disappeare into a orb.
    I have had several ufo sightings throughout my life.
    I have more encounters and details, I would like to know what is going on, and why the government lies to us about theses things.
    Kind regards.

    1. I lived 30 years in Granbury, TX and witnessed similar strange occurrences as you did. I even had a Texas black panther that set up shop in my trees behind my home. Just like Sasquatch, she gave out a deep guttural sound that convinced me to go inside. Spook stuff. Moved to Ohio and discovered this is a Sasquatch and Dogman hotspot.

    2. I read somewhere that the ufo's are not alien but government vehicles with tech we are never told about. It makes me think that Sasquatch and Dogman might be MiLab experiments. If they have been around for a long time, maybe government is abducting them, experimenting on them, creating their own to manipulate. Now there was no proof, just like there is no proof of anything really, but it is an avenue worth looking at.
