Special Caution for Women and Children

The Sasquatch and other Cryptids take special interest in both women and children. Dave Paulides found through statistical work that 90% of the full-bodied day light sightings that are reported come from women. Also note that a majority of those women were on their monthly cycle when the encounter happens.

Sasquatch are especially drawn to children and even been known to allow their young play with children that are unsupervised by an adult.

Children also appear to be able to sense when the Sasquatch are in the area. Children have even witnessed and/or have been spoken to by Sasquatch in the presence of adults or parents standing beside/near them. The alarming fact is that the adults/parents never see or hear the Sasquatch, only the children are able to see and hear them. 

Young juvenile Sasquatch have been known to make attempts to entice children into the woods to go "play with them". 

Talking Bears and Hairy Men

Children do not have a reference point for the Sasquatch. It is not a creature they are taught exist, therefore when a child encounters one they use the only reference they have. This is usually bears, monkeys, apes or sometimes harry men.

The parent or guardian should take notice if a child under their care talks about or mentions “talking bears in the woods”, “Bears walking to two feet”, “Bears with white/gray round faces”, “hairy man”, “monkey man”, “talking ape” etc.  The child should be taken seriously and questioned thoroughly, with the questions age appropriate.

In many cases, the children are the first approached by the Sasquatch. They may be the only ones that actually see the Sasquatch.

Some of the more common scenarios:

Peeking only in the window of the child or children’s bed room.

The curious child looking out a window at a Sasquatch in the wood line.

Child can see a Sasquatch in the edge of the wood line or heavy foliage watching them play.

One should be vigilant and aware when living in any neighborhood, but in rural, ranch, wilderness or farm setting extra attention paid to a child when they mention odd or strange occurrences around them.


  1. HELLO Scott I wanted thank you for the info on this web site very helpful sorting out some of the thing that my wife and I experience camping near Burnt ranch CA.And Due you think a 6 month old crying at night would draw in a group of sasquaths into camp.

  2. Wow. 90% of full bodied sightings are from menstruating women? That fits in with dark spirituality. The nephilim Illuminati, satanists, etc. also use menstrual blood in their rituals and ceremonies. Arizona Wilder, David Icke and various other sources state the same. Menstrual blood contains an abundance of glandular substances from the pineal and pituitary glands. Wilder (Illuminati) states that menstrual blood is most desired (starfire), and they also desire blood from victims that are terrorized. (Terrorized victims secrete additional desired substances that are in the blood.) Interesting that sasquash are known to go through trash for used feminine products. Are these bigfoot presenting themselves to menstruating women so their blood will have these additional substances from being terrorized?

    If these poor beings are not connected to source (God), these dynamics make sense. They obtain power, life-force and sustenance from these interactions. The same goes for their affinity for children. Illuminati and satanists kill and sexually abuse children because it is the most power enhancing sacrifice. The usurping their innocence shortens or kills the life-force of the child but enhances the power or longevity of their own. The Pizzagate and spirit cooking was an example of this. Maria Abramovic is ridiculously young for her age and is the priestess for the elite.

    These sasquash live in an unenviable conundrum: part human, part fallen. No wonder they roar, scream and moan. Maybe part of their interest in children is their innocence and wonder. All aside, these beings are no match for a mere mortal. Thank you Scott for warning the rest of us. Wishing you and everyone much peace and safety. May God bless us all.

    1. I am sorry but you are buying into conspiracy theories that are false. More likely they can smell the menstrual blood, as do BEARS AND WOLVES and other major predators. Women should be warned not to go deep into the forest while bleeding as it can attract trouble. Most experienced campers know this.

    2. They might be interested in breeding with a human female since it is possible and your blood attracts them. By the way one does not have to be "disconnected" from God to be interested in blood magic, which is simply science. "Witches" for example or other female parties form groups and stick together all the time because their menstruation cycles will synchronize with the most dominant female and they will bleed together and they can wash their bodies with more than enough to rejuvenate their skin and gain other health benefits. Teenage girls especially preferred to join the circle. Who knows whats going on among nuns in the church? Also drinking the urine of children, especially young boys are "magical" as well,secret societies and some knowledgeable priests definitely do that, urine is processed blood by the kidneys after all, its liquid gold. Think about all the old fountains in Europe depicting peeing boys with wings. They are not even hiding it. It's science.

    3. The male sasquatch has a overwhelming fear of paying child support. He would prefer to "just lay a towel down". #facts

    4. I don't think it's a theory...many others of similar study believe the same. That spirits or Demons feed off negative emotion, thought, etc. Just because you can't comprehend that doesn't make it a conspiracy theory. The universe is a far crazier place than you can even imagine. You should know that!

  3. YES! There are researchers who will play a baby crying on a recorder to bring them closer. These beings are very curious!

  4. Has anyone seen the other things that stay with Bigfoot little beings and scary looking entities

    1. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1hZjjllISR2y2I0S_EPs85Xk7-2o9UQBw
      I believe this gamecam of my final night before they drove me out my home by infrasound has a very odd looking cryptid with the infrasounding Bigfoot right across from my second bedroom window. Got the full set of 5 minute video clips if wanted.

    2. It is not there. Can you please tell us what happened to you and how did they drive you from your home?

    3. Yes have many pics of unidentified creatures along with apex squatch and dogmen .

  5. This is the most accurate informative information I have found on the web...If I had known about this sitr months ago it would have saved me tons of time asking questions, in all the wrong places, trying to validate my son's experience..Scott Carpenter is just what this subject needs to bring awareness to dealing with these creatures..

  6. Wow I didn't know. Children can here sounds that adults can't hear. For example at school with cellphones, thereis a ringtone that adults/professors can't hear so they don't realise if the student keeps and use his cellphone! It's scary what you tell us about sasquatch....but you're right! Sorry 4 my english, I write you from Switzerland. Thank you for your work!
